Promoting a Video Game in Spain by Building a Community of Gamers

Gaming communityBuilding a community of gamers and followers is a goal Los Famos help Spanish game publishers achieve via Instagram. After all, even if Instagram is second only to Facebook in terms of audience size, it’s the social media platform highly favoured by Spain’s younger generations. According to the latest Statista report, Instagram is the social platform preferred by Spanish netizens between the ages 18 and 34 years old.

Yet marketing with a limited budget is very challenging for newbie game developers. This is where independent advertising and marketing companies like Los Famos can help. The latter for one, offers different Instagram-focused marketing strategies that work toward boosting content popularity. This can have a positive( impact in promoting a video game as it can subsequently build and grow a community of gamers.

How Does Instagram Fit Into the Promotion of a Game in Spain?


Flag of .SpainA statistical report published by the Spanish Video Game Association (Asociacion Espanola de Videojuegos) revealed that in Spain, around 18.1 million people engage in video games for more than 8 hours a week. About 73.3% said they play at least once in every week, while only 6.6% spend their time playing almost every day.
The report also states that about 76% of the gamers in Spain are young people aged 16 to 24 years old. Still, 60% of those who brand themselves as gamers in Spain are between 25 to 34 year olds, while 39% fall under the 35 to 44 year old age bracket.

In terms of gender, 52% represent male gamers while women gamers follow closely at 48%. Yet there is a high probability that a gaming content being promoted at Instagram will run as feed in the IG accounts of both genders. Mainly because 54.9 percent of women in Spain use Instagram as their social media site, while the male IG users represent about 46.3%.

Los Famos therefore can easily round up genuine Spanish Instagram users who will back up a video game post with a great number of Likes. It’s actually an economical approach to competing against major game publishers and their team of marketers.

Content is Still Key to Building a Community of Players for a Video Game

While buying Instagram Likes can help boost the popularity of an IG post, the strategy must be sustainable by keeping gamers engaged not only in playing the game; but also highly interested in the game topics being discussed in the community site. Keep on posting captivating visuals and strategically use hashtags aligned with the interests and gaming preferences of the video game’s target audience. Moreover, add value to one’s game community by answering questions, acknowledging suggestions and expressions of opinions.

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